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Braces and Crutches

October 28th, 2023

Braden started his freshman year this year. He was a backup tight end and linebacker for the very large freshman football team. He seemed to be making strides each game, to the point he was doing really well during a game in mid-September when an opposing player fell on his leg.

Braden ended up having an ankle sprain and had to wear a protective boot and use crutches for several weeks. Unfortunately, his ankle didn’t heal in time to return during the season.


We thought Braden has pretty good teeth, but his back molars are slightly out of alignment, and consequently, he had to get braces. The first few days were tough in terms of eating, but he’s adjusted really well. Braden can eat almost everything except things like gummy bears.

To our annoyance, some of Braden’s braces have detached, twice, requiring visits to the orthodontist to fix them. We hope not to have any more issues in the next year-and-a-half.

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